
We can show you the way. But you must go for it yourself too. – We not only provide support and knowledge about IT, you acquire as well a process of making IT systems and implementing it.

Development processes

Software development consists not only of technology but also of methods and tools. Not least, the cooperation between people is fundamental to success. We work with both UML2, Unified Process and agile methods such as SCRUM.

Business processes

The core of software is that it must support business processes in a company, across companies and possibly. in interaction with their customers. These processes are often defined by the users and the environment they should act in, widely thought.

Interaction design

We are aware that interaction design is strongly associated with business processes in the system and offers customer-specific solutions. The goal is not only user-friendliness but thus also efficiency by e.g. to set less demands on the user and provide a better working tool.