Tag: job

  • Tech employments in US and UK reaches new heights

    Tech employments in US and UK reaches new heights

    Unemployment rates within tech occupations dropped to 1.7% in the US in January. In the UK, IT vacancies have doubled in the past year, with job postings in the technology, media and telecoms (TMT) sector growing by 119% year on year. https://www.zdnet.com/article/tech-jobs-are-booming-heres-what-employers-are-looking-for/

  • 650 software engineers needed in Malaga

    650 software engineers needed in Malaga



    “It will bring disruptive innovation back to the network,” – cite. – #OpenRAN R&D centre in #Malaga – the first dedicated to advancing OpenRAN #chip architecture – will bring 50 people dedicated to OpenRAN together with 650 software engineers, architects and technicians in the Spanish city, where #Vodafone is investing 225 million euros ($251 million)…

  • Energy island in Europa / Denmark in planning

    Energy island in Europa / Denmark in planning



    Impressive upcoming #energy project in #europe / #denmark . The majority of the $34BN project will be governmental owned, but private companies are invited to join. A wide range of “materials/services/utilities” could be need. A data centre too. Video: Note: The use of YouTube will send data from you outside of Europe. https://youtu.be/UwkVL8A-8t4 #windenergy #energydistribution…

  • Half of the employees in Germany would like to change job

    Half of the employees in Germany would like to change job

    Close to half of the employees in Germany would like to change job in 2022. A third (1/3) of these because they search for more appreciation and recognition. Close to 2/3 of these are also searching for better leadership qualification of the superiors. – The lack of professionalism by leaders seem crushing. Wonder if it…

  • Spain desperately needs tech workers (too)

    Spain desperately needs tech workers (too)

    https://www.elconfidencialdigital.com/articulo/dinero/empresas-busqueda-desesperada-informaticos-ingenieros-matematicos/20211124172403310967.html Consider deepl.com for translation.

  • How often can you change job (in Germany)

    How often can you change job (in Germany)

    A discussion of the German job market and about how often you can change job in Germany (in German, but interesting for HR people). https://www.golem.de/news/it-arbeitsmarkt-wie-viele-jobwechsel-vertraegt-ein-lebenslauf-2111-161005.html #germanyjobs #germany #hr Consider deepl.com for translation.